Sunday, May 3, 2009

Smogasbord vs. Focus

Well here I am on the smorgasbord again. Not holding a single question, but exploring on several fronts. Sigh.

I started last week writing Morning Pages again (3 pages, longhand, first thing in the morning; doesn't matter what you write, only *that* you write) and began Week 1 of Julia Cameron's Walking in this World on Tuesday. Wrote Morning Pages 4 out of 5 days; took a longer-than-prescribed walk today with John, Shannon, and Amy; and need to plan my Artist Date to happen before next Tuesday. Might be best if I do it yet this afternoon, I think!

Aha! I didn't go anywhere Sunday afternoon, but I *did* realize I'd already done an Artist's Date in the first week: I went to Ace Hardware and shopped around for essentials to give Lauren in her high school graduation gift of a basic toolbox to take to college. Yea!

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