Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Taking a Stand vs. Protecting Myself vs. Just Being Mean

I've withdrawn from anything but essential interaction with someone from work. I've been verbally assaulted just once too often, and I'm done pretending I want to have anything but a purely professional relationship.

I've just answered my own question.

In a purely professional relationship, I would still maintain the "niceties" ... saying a pleasant hello, acknowledging a sneeze with "Gesundheit," saying "good night" when I leave.

Last night, it was just the two of us left in the office when I went home. It felt funny (I should have listened to my inner uneasiness), but I was ready to walk out the door when I heard, "are you leaving?" from behind me. "Yes," I responded. "Oh, well, see you tomorrow." "I'll see you Friday," I said, since I was going out of town. "Oh, right! Have a good trip!" "Thanks."

It was mean, petty, and not at all professional.

I'm not good at drawing gray lines. I tend to be better at black and white.

I can do better. I can have a purely professional relationship. I'm sure I can do this.


Julie-Ann said...

Truthfully, I don't think you have a mean bone in your body.

And, I see nothing "mean" about the end of the day short interaction you had with this person. Of course, I don't know what tone of voice you used, but it was short and to the point.

Ahhhh, relationships of any type. Why do they have to be so hard?

Sharon said...

The fact that I was fully prepared to leave the room without even saying good-bye ... is what felt "wrong." The actual interaction we *did* have was because the other person noticed I was leaving. I didn't turn around, didn't make eye contact until I was out the door, and didn't exchange pleasantries, like "have a good evening," which is usual for people in our office. In general, we pretty well LIKE each other; this one's just thrown a hot, wet towel over the whole group dynamic, and I'm feeling a bit cheated and resentful.

Every experience is an opportunity to grow.

Thank you so much for not thinking I have a mean bone in my body, Julie Ann. ((hug))

Relationships ... in truth, this one's a piece of cake, compared to a LOT of them I've experienced; but I've simply walked away from others who have been this difficult. In this case, I don't want to walk away from my job, so I need to learn how to be neutral -- not a small task for me!