Friday, March 6, 2009


Holding the question is an amazing practice. This morning, I packed up my food for the day ... noticing there were little bits of this and little dabs of that, which I gathered from the refrigerator ... not knowing what I would choose to eat during the day, and what would be left to come back home again.

As I unpacked breakfast at my desk, choosing the container of cereal with half a peach and the reuseable container of milk, and noting again

  • the tiny container of leftover winter fruit salad and
  • the other tiny container of pseudo-chicken bbq,
  • two clementines and
  • three mini pitas,

I found my mind asking,

What am I choosing?

The immediate answer, coming from ... where? (Ah, that's the beauty and the mystery of it!) said, clearly, simply:


I'm basking in the simplicity and the "rightness" of that answer.

Have I finally reached the border and stepped over the line, free from the constant underlying feeling that haunted me throughout my childhood, early adulthood, 30s, 40s .... that there was not enough, that I was not enough?

In this moment, I am hopeful and content. Enough.

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