Thursday, March 12, 2009

"oh, my...." re: me from the outside

This is definitely a good direction for me to go, if my goal is to be mindful and bring my body image into alignment with reality. I'm not exactly sure whether that's a good idea, overall, though.

I looked at my last blog posting this morning, again. I can't express to you how hard it is for me to absorb the fact that those are images of how I really look.

I have LONG wished that mirrors had never been invented, because I could then believe I was absolutely beautiful, based on how other people respond to me -- honest, it's good! But when I see 'me' I know it's something besides my appearance they're responding to -- which is also good -- but feels incongruent.

ANYWAY ... my only worry in this expedition is that there are things that are irreconcilable. I may be able to lose weight and pare down my overall mass ... but there's nothing I will reasonably do about the overbite, the broken nose, the ... age. Sigh.

I am I.



Julie-Ann said...

But, Sharon - you ARE beautiful, both inside and outside. And the reason people react positively towards you is that they see your outward beauty and the inside beauty shining out.

You silly woman! :>)

Here's some advise: Get a hyper dog that needs lots of exercice. You'll start moving!

Sharon said...

Aww ... thank you, Julie Ann!

We actually seriously considered adopting our daughter's very energetic dog, but decided that, in the end, we're not ready for that much excitement in our lives right now. It's an excellent suggestion, though. Maybe I can borrow a neighbor's dog ... hmmm... something to think about.