Sunday, February 8, 2009

Evolving the Question

"What does healthy mean?" is an excellent question. I don't think it' MY question any longer.

I know what healthy means, for me. Physically, it means I'm active, full of energy (or tired out because of wholesome activity), enjoying full range of motion, and full range of my senses. Mentally, it means peace of mind -- or, if something is worrisome, it means I'm doing all I am able to bring about the highest and best outcome for everyone involved. Emotionally and spiritually, it means being in gratitude for all the wonders in my life, expressing and sharing all I can.

Formulating a new question ... something that asks about bringing about more health in my life, in all the areas above. What action am I taking RIGHT NOW to bring me closer to the ideal of "health," rather than in the opposite direction.

Somehow, I have to either make different decisions ... or make the decision that somehow, cheesecake and milkshakes ARE bringing one step closer to either mental or spiritual health. There does seem to be an intrinsic conflict with the physical health goal, though. Cognitive dissonance! Argh.

February Thaw

Ah, but, giving credit where credit is due -- John and I took a long walk today in the beautiful sunshine (steps toward physical health), stopped to talk for quite a while with neighbors (mental and emotional health), and tonight John came home from a movie I didn't want to see (good decision for both of us - mental and emotional health!) and asked me to come outside with him to see the beautiful full moon and a "star" in the West that must be a planet, it was so bright (emotional and spiritual health).

Yes, there are many good, healthy decisions I make every day. Dwelling on those, rather than on the fact that I stray from the path with cheesecake and milkshakes, is healthy.

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