Monday, February 23, 2009

Holding Myself Accountable to my Self

It occurs to me, as I look back over the past 12 days of visual food logs, that this may be the first time in a very long time that I have held myself accountable for a goal *I* have set for my *self.*

Even "take a photo a day" fun stuff, I've pretty much petered out on. The "take a photo of everything I eat" project has been eye-opening for me in many ways. I'm starting to get bored, though, and I'm noticing a lot of repetitive-looking photos. One day, when I had two soft drinks of the same flavor and brand, I actually DID post the photo twice. But that's not the point. The point is ... I *have* photographed, I have posted, and I have reflected on what I've been eating. Not just AFTER it's gone, either!

I think that's the difference with this, vs. writing down what I've eaten in a day. I can "remember" what's already eaten, in retrospect, with a written log. With a photo journal, I have to be mindful of it BEFORE IT PASSES MY LIPS.

Well, for the most part. Half of lunch was gone today before I remembered.

But the point remains. I make choices because I have to DO something before I eat it.

And I'm making better choices, as a result.

This is good.

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